Where Did Cook Land on the Island of Kaua`i?

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Gary Smith
The tradehill is called Puʻuʻōpae. Puʻukapele is the western forest in Kōkeʻe where Puʻuʻōpae is located. The alanui (big path) at Makaweli refered to as Bootaberry (Puʻukapele) would be some 20 miles distant from Puʻuʻōpae which would be significant enough to bear the forested Regionʻs name as it would have then been a major destination and gateway to Napali.
Gary Smith
Very plausible. Seems well researched. As to your paragraph starting with lastly…. Makaweli reef. Just west of Waimea river. Little confused maybe south west? Also Bootaberry…Puukapele? The road to Puukapele? Which was a major trade spot for Napali and Kona districts. You have me convinced that they anchored and landed at Hoanuanu Makaweli. Mahalo for your efforts.
Justin P
Thank you Sheri. I appreciate the thorough bibliography as this topic has always interested me. Even on Kauai it seems that there isn’t a consistent description of Captain Cook’s visit.