A table of the crew of Cook's Three Voyages 1768-1779

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Ian Boreham (Webmaster)
Caroline Juler, David Samwell does appear in the list. He sailed only on the Third Voyage, so you need to scroll down to the Comment section, and then slightly up to where the Surgeons are listed. The Will of David Samwell can be found on our website at https://www.captaincooksociety.com/cooks-life/people/the-wills-of-captain-cooks-crew-and-associates/the-will-of-david-samwell
Caroline Juler
Hello, The Welsh language tv channel S4C has a brilliant programme about the 'secrets' held by Wales's National Library. In the one I've just watched, there is an extract from an eyewitness account of Cook's death by the Welsh surgeon David Samwell. He seems to have been a great character, as well as writing very well. Is he not worth mentioning?
Cliff Thornton
Hello Carolyn, thank you for your enquiry. Yes, Simeon Woodruffe was one of the crew on Captain Cook's companion vessel "Discovery". The ship's records show that he was a gunner's mate. You may be interested to learn that he was not killed in the skirmish at Kealakekua Bay, Hawaii, where Cook was murdered. I have seen a reference that he was living in Litchfield, Connecticut in 1825,
Carolyn Smith-Pellettier
I believe that Simeon Woodruff was on the last voyage. The family of Eunice Martin and Benjamin Woodruff always stated that their son Simeon was with Capt. Cook when he was killed in the Sandwich Islands in 1779. However, as there was a John Martin in the crew, it may represent a family mixup with crossover.
Steven Mulvey
My ancestor David Williams of H.M.S.Resolution Bach,Portsmouth Hampshire England 09 January 1670. Married Mary Ballard.I believe on the ship. They were married at the church in Alverstoke Hampshire on the same day. I don't see his name on the list of the crew of the H.M.S. Resolution.Just wondering Steven Mulvey
Cliff Thornton
Steven, thank you for your enquiry. If the date you give for David Williams marriage is correct and not a typo, then there is an easy explanation for his absence from the muster of Captain Cook's Resolution. Cook's voyages on Resolution were in the 1770s, one hundred years after your ancestor's marriage. Resolution was a popular name for the ships of the Royal Navy, and there have been many ships bearing that name, even into the 20th century.
Tony Wallis
Are there any family background details available for James Wallis, carpenter on Cook’s 2nd voyage Resolution?
Ian Boreham (webmaster)
Tony, James Wallis was born about 1743, and died aged 90 on 5 May 1833.
Aloha Ian, Do you know if any crew members on Cookʻs 3rd voyage remained in the Cook Islands?
Ian Boreham (Webmaster)
Mauli, None of Cook's crew remained on any Pacific Island during Cook's three voyages.